We have extensive policies and procedures in place to comply with all relevant legislation and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children attending and adults working in our setting.
You can find a paper copy of all our polices in Pre-School, just ask a member of the team or email our Office Manager by contacting office@longwittenhampreschool.co.uk
Our policies and procedures are reviewed on rotation throughout the academic year or sooner if there is a change at the Pre-School or to national guidance.
Policy Summaries
Unless attending Breakfast Club or our Early Drop Off, we ask that all children arrive at the start of the day between 9am and 9.15am. Collection is either at 12noon or 3pm. If your child cannot attend a session we ask that you inform us by 9.30am at the latest either by phone or email. If we are not informed of your child’s absence we will conduct a welfare call to you just after 9.30am.
Behaviour Management
We believe that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are understood, supported and met and where there are clear, fair and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour. Our Promoting Positive Behaviour policy focuses on a stepped approach, applying initial and focused interventions to support children with regulating, managing and reflecting on their actions.
Complaints Procedure
It is in everyone’s interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. We hope that any issues that you have can be resolved by raising the matter with the Pre-School Manager in the first instance. However if you feel that this is not successful then we ask that a formal complaint is submitted and the matter can be managed through our complaints procedure.
Equal Opportunities
Our setting is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families. We aim to ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children.
The setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Safeguarding Policy is based on the three key commitments of the Pre-school Learning Alliance Safeguarding Children Policy.
Special Educational Needs
We provide an environment in which all children with special educational needs (SEN) are supported to reach their full potential. We have in place a clear approach for identifying, responding to and meeting children’s SEN as set out in our SEND Policy. We have a designated member of staff as our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).
Fees and Admissions
Further details about our sessions and fees, including our Fees Policy can be found here. Details about Admissions, including our Admissions Policy can be found here.