Long Wittenham Pre-School


Our Pre-School is a charitable incorporated organisation, registered with the Charities Commission and run for the benefit of the children, their families and the community. As such, we have a Management Committee (made up of volunteer parents or carers) that is responsible for the Pre-School and its staff. The named roles on the committee (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

The Committee is responsible for employing all paid members of staff and overseeing all matters related to the running of the Pre-School such as finances, advertising and marketing and general admin.

One of the key activities undertaken by the Committee is fundraising on behalf of the pre-school. However, it is also the intention to provide a variety of social events and activities for the children and their families to participate in. Parents, carers and family members are welcome to be as involved as they wish or simply turn up on the day and enjoy the activities presented.

Please help us to raise free funds for Long Wittenham Pre School when you’re shopping online! It doesn’t cost anything extra to you and it’s really quick and easy. See below for more details and to sign up. It’ll only take 5 minutes and you could help to support our fantastic Pre school! https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/longwittenhamps/

We always welcome new Trustees. If you are interested in joining the committee please contact the committee chair, by emailing chair@longwittenhampre-school.co.uk or talk to the Manager.